Growing with the Grain: The Ungers’ 25+ years of Organic Experience

Growing with the Grain: The Ungers’ 25+ years of Organic Experience

Located on Wiradjuri Country in Peak Hill in Central New South Wales lies two farms belonging
to seasoned biodynamic farmers Ray and Judi Unger. Named Waratah and Marylyn, these
farms feature unique characteristics that make them suitable for different forms of agricultural
activity. Marylyn is formed of heavy clay loam soil packed with rich minerals, making it the
perfect medium to grow cereal crops like spelt, wheat, oats, lupin and pasture.

The fenced tree lines border most of the paddocks on Waratah and create wildlife corridors,
reduce wind erosion, attract bird life and provide fodder to stock during droughts. Waratah
comprises a lighter red ironstone soil type more suited to running their livestock of Merino sheep
for wool and White Suffolk cross for lambs as well as Hereford cattle stock. These distinct but
complementary farm types allow Ray and Judi to run a diversified mixed-farming broadacre
enterprise that offers long-term climatic resilience.

“We have 3,500 acres, and we could nearly crop all that, but we never do,” says Judi.
“We only ever crop about a third as the maximum every year because we do crop rotations, so
we try to crop about one [rotation] every eight years, so we’re sparing the country, we’re not
flogging the soil in the process of growing healthy biodynamic crops and pastures. We’re trying
to build up the organic matter and put it into the pasture phase and use it for grazing. It’s all
quite entwined.”

When Ray’s father bought the farm several decades ago, farming systems were rather
exploitative and heavily reliant on chemical inputs, extracting a considerable toll on the already
marginal agricultural land.

“The farm was heavily impacted by cropping and heavy stocking rates,” recalls Judi, prompting
the Ungers to consider ways in which they could improve the quality and health of their land and
in turn, their crops and livestock.

DiaryAt a conference in Cowra in 1993, Ray heard an organic farmer speak about organic principles and practices and was immediately drawn to the concept. Organic agricultural methods could help produce high-quality agricultural products in a way that protects and improves the natural environment while safeguarding the health and welfare of all farmed species. Without hesitation, Ray and Judi decided to “go cold turkey” on synthetic fertilisers, insecticides and herbicides in the mid-90s and start the journey towards organic certification and farm management.
“I felt this immense weight off my shoulders; we were now in charge of our own destiny,” says Judi.

“We didn’t need an agronomist. We didn’t need people telling us what chemicals need to be
applied and when and where.”

Instead, by adopting the organic philosophy and mindset, Ray and Judi committed to learning
and observing their land, soil and biology to grow healthier food more sustainably. Following the
completion of a TAFE course in organic agriculture, the process of conversion took the Ungers
three years, becoming fully accredited with Australian Certified Organic in 1996 and receiving
A-grade certification for the crop they grew that year. Shortly afterwards, they began looking into
biodynamic practices.

Founded on similar principles to organic agriculture, biodynamic agriculture is a holistic,
whole-systems approach to bring plants, animals, soil, ecosystems and people together.
Biodynamic systems aspire to generate their own on-farm fertility through practices such as crop
rotation, composting and integrating animals to enhance on-farm biodiversity, nurture soil fertility
and enable greater farm resilience against extreme weather events. The Ungers have been
practicing relatively consistent methods for more than 25 years.

But the agricultural sector has changed significantly over this time. The deregulation of
agricultural markets, fluctuating government support and investment, the privatisation of
infrastructure and agricultural services, rising costs for fuel and machinery, and increasing
consolidation amongst farms and across the entire food chain have reshaped Australian

“It’s changed a lot in the 28 years we’ve been doing it,” says Ray.
“A lot more dairy farmers have gone down the organic track, but then dairying has retracted;
there are fewer dairy farms around because they got bigger, just how most farms got bigger.
Cost of production has certainly increased, as has machinery. We probably wear more
machinery out than conventional farmers. They can spray 1000 acres in a day and I can plough
100 acres in a day. We’ve had lots of problems, but conventional farmers have had lots of problems too.”

sheepConventional and organic farming methods have a range of different impacts on soil fertility, biological diversity, livestock health and the health of the farming enterprise.
“We don’t have issues that conventional farmers have with bloat and worms. They’re in a situation where they go into town to buy something to fix their problem and basically they’re told, “If you don’t use this stuff, the sky is going to fall!” says Ray.

“Well the sky doesn’t fall. I can look back now and see we’ve been used by the chemical companies. I couldn’t even tell you what Round Up costs anymore.”
Fluctuating climatic conditions, from the intensifications of droughts and floods, to
unprecedented bushfire conditions, have created increasing pressure on Australia’s agricultural
systems and can restrict growing seasons or wipe out entire harvests.

“The current market has been tough. There are more organic grain producers around and we’ve
had a couple of good years so there’s plenty of organic grain about,” says Ray.
“It’s supply and demand: the current prices [for organic wheat] aren’t enough to cover your
costs. In comparison to the droughts of ‘18 and ‘19, where [demand was high and] it was very
difficult to buy organic grain to feed livestock. That will happen again when there’s another dry

Ray and Judi have subsequently invested in sealed storage and silos for grain as a form of
on-farm insurance. It grants the ability to store grain in good years and to carry that through to
market when climatic conditions may impact production, and there is less supply of organic
grain. It’s another way in which the Ungers can take control of when and where they market
their grain, and into which market they sell.

While grain crops such as cereals, pulses, legumes and oilseeds make up a small percentage
of total organic production in Australia, the organic grain industry has a significant opportunity to
expand with the right market development and indicators. Demand for organic products in
Australia and abroad has been rising over recent years, as consumers are increasingly
considering the health benefits and environmental effects of their food choices. This rising
demand is also motivating manufacturers to make organic food more accessible to mainstream

The Ungers have been considering new ways to add value to their business and tap into this
rising demand, but need to consider the added costs carefully, whether that be in time,
machinery, or labour of value-adding activities. Cleaning, processing, growing special items,
packaging, milling, storage, or distribution operations can all be considered as “value-adding” to
basic farm commodities like grain.

“I’ve looked at trying to value-add products; to clean grain and bag it,” says Ray.
“But you’d need a fair amount of capital to get that all organised; you’d need to set up sheds,
buy machinery and you’d need to employ someone possibly to run that side of the business. But
that comes with more risk.”

“We’re good at what we do, whether that’s wool or sheep or cattle or grain, but we’re flat out
running the farm as we are. So there’s no opportunity without spending a lot more money and
employing more people to go and value-add.”

The Organic and Regenerative Cooperative Australia (ORCA) pilot project seeks to determine
the best and most profitable products for organic grain farmers like Ray and Judi, together with
identifying the market, processing and access barriers that could be resolved through better
collaboration, producer representation or investment in storage or processing facilities.

“If ORCA was able to set up a plant to clean grain and then bag it, hopefully, we could get a
better return and share in the profit from that operation,” says Ray.
Increasing the availability of local abattoirs for the organic industry is another opportunity for
investment that Ray believes will help farmers in the region.
“30 or 40 years ago there used to be an abattoir in most towns, but now there aren’t enough
abattoirs,” says Ray.
“Sometimes our stock, our lambs and our cattle, as well as our wool, goes into the conventional

The ORCA project endeavours to unlock some of these barriers and to enable strategic
investment into facilities and technology that will lead to better prices for producers. ORCA
investigates market trends and opportunities while providing farmers with the technology and
data they may need to thrive in the organic grain farming industry. Through a tailored online
platform, producers can achieve the transparency and traceability of organic produce now
demanded by processors and consumers, as well as achieve fairer pricing along the entire
supply chain.

Research, education and innovation are key areas that Ray and Judi believe will help them
manage their farm more efficiently and profitably and the long-term sustainability of the organic
industry more broadly. They suggest that agricultural drone systems, for example, have an
unrealised potential to assist with microbial applications for crops or to support and surveil
cattle, all while minimising fuel costs and further impact upon the soil.

Due to the rural isolation that many farmers face, Judi believes that current information and
education systems must evolve to meet the needs of organic growers and younger farmers
wishing to enter the industry. Different knowledge-transfer activities that are organised by and
targeted at the organic farming sector, will help increase knowledge and skills on organic plant
and animal production, processing and marketing.

“Organic farming is a process of continual learning,” says Judi. “Part of it is experimentation and
trialling new techniques and being able to demonstrate what works. It would be great to get a
uni student out on the farm to do a case study and have that research published.”

Judi believes that harnessing the in-depth knowledge acquired through decades of practical
experience and translating this into an evidence base that can be shared throughout the organic
industry will strengthen the sector. Testing new approaches and technologies, building and
compiling rigorous evidence about what works, and disseminating this knowledge widely to
farmers, researchers and policymakers can help improve economic and environmental
outcomes for producers. Judi also believes that such education is key to equipping future
generations of farmers with the skill sets required to prosper in the sector and take full
advantage of innovation.

Ray and Judi are taking part in the ORCA project alongside other organic farmers in the
Riverina agricultural district in NSW. Together, these farmers are sharing their experiential
knowledge, insights and networks to collectively grow together and to diversify and build a
better and more resilient organic market. The vision is to strengthen and sustainably grow the
entire organic value chain, with shared benefits for farmers, manufacturers and consumers.
By collectively working through some of the common barriers faced by organic farmers and
unlocking opportunities for greater on-farm profitability, ORCA is committed to improving and
amplifying the benefits of organic, regenerative and biodynamic farming across the Riverina and
the country.

Written by Eva Perroni, as part of the ORCA project

Volunteer and be part of the restoration from bushfires

Volunteer and be part of the restoration from bushfires

We are calling out to communities, businesses and farmers to continue to support bushfire affected organic farmers. ORICoop continues to walk with these farmers – and we need your help!

You can register to volunteer for the upcoming ‘Organic Farm Blitz’, with a farm close to you. You can also contact us to coordinate an event, make seedpods, plant &/or grow seedlings or build native animal boxes. And we will ensure they get to your nearest bushfire affected farmers!

You can join Chris & Christine from Blue Sky Organics, to assist them to plant trees, weed, and lend a hand in East Gippsland, not far from Bruthen over the coming months. And to assist with the planting of their 2021 crop in the Autumn (April & May).

You can complete an Expression of interest HERE to register your interest directly with Blue Sky Organics in East Gippsland, and make sure you include when you are available over the coming months.  Chris & Christine will be in touch with those that register directly.

During time in East Gippsland last February a few keen volunteers rallied to assist Soorya from Ontos Organics sort and process his garlic crop after he and his family were burnt out in January last year. Soorya runs a mixed organic farm, incorporating garlic, heritage seed and goats on their family farm.

You can assist Ontos Organics farm, and learn about heritage seed and garlic harvesting by REGISTERING HERE. Work required includes weeding, sorting, processing and their ongoing recovery work.  It may be that you can help both Blue Sky and Ontos Organics over a weekend or visit to the wonderful Gipplsand Lakes region.

Kaye & Gregg Saarinen of Saarinen Organics, from the Bega Valley were tragically burnt out over Black Summer. They grow organic herbs, and make lovely organic face and hand creams and salves from these products. They also utilise full solar in their processing, a unique and truly carbon neutral business model!

They have much to rebuild – and are calling out for teams of 5-10 people to assist them to restore their fencing and rebuild their garden area over the coming months.

If you are interested, you can complete an Expression of Interest HERE with Saarinen Organics farm located in the Bega Valley, and include when you are available.

Plateau Organics (near Wingham) are situated on the Mid North Coast in NSW, a stunning certified organic farm high on the plateau.  One of the leading certified organic avocado and citrus producers in the region. We are keen to rally a small team of helpers to assist them in their rebuild, as they were devastated by fires on two seperate fire events last year. The work includes clearing around the trees, mulching and fertilising. This farm is remote, beautiful – and worth the time to experience such a plateau! Self contained accommodation is required for any interested volunteers and 4wd for access only. (or you can contact owners for further opportunities)

You can complete an Expression of Interest HERE directly with Plateau Organics (located in NSW)

Ideally they are looking for 1 or 2 keen singles or couples for 3-4 days between February & April, for mulching of trees, pruning and bushfire recovery of the fruit orchard.

Christina and John from PRANA produce need help to clean up wood after the fires, weeding and clearing areas that were bushfire affected. Ideally people that have their own tools (gloves, secateurs, even a wheelbarrow) and are keen to offer their hands and hard work for a day or two!

A Saturday or Sunday in March would be fantastic. Happy with a few keen people or even a group of 20 could be of use. Lunch included.
You can complete an Expression of Interest HERE for Prana Produce (near Braidwood)

If there is not a farm in your area included – but you are keen to be involved, you can register your interest via our Volunteer Register HERE. There will be more Organic Farm Blitz opportunities over the coming months and will notify all those registered first. We are also considering having some city based events – where you can plant seeds, make seed bombs or native animal boxes.  Contact us if you are interested to be a host or fundraising champion!
Over the past year the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal has continued to support these farmers along their recovery journey. With donated inputs, professional organic farm advisory, soil tests, donations of trees, coordinating online zoom calls between affected farmers, and enabling the farmers to share their stories, we are incredibly grateful for the time we have spent with each of the farmers. And to all the businesses that have offered financial, personal and physical support.

We want to give a huge shout out to the following supporters of the Organic Farmers Bushfires Appeal, that have donated towards the ongoing recovery of many of these farmers.

  • Dr Bronner – including their most recent appeal over January/February 2021
  • CERES – dedicating $5/box last Summer and providing facilities to process the garlic
  • BCCM – Bushfire Appeal grant funds to further extend the appeal
  • AgriSolutions – for Gerhards ongoing farm support and advisory
  • Organic Advisory Services – for Greg’s ongoing farm support and advisory
  • Nutri-Soil – for generous organic input donations
  • Vitec – for generous organic input donations
  • Omnia – for generous organic input donations
  • Australian Kelp – for generous organic input donations
  • Converte Plant Food – for generous organic input donations
  • Bio-Tech Organics – for on-farm support and advisory
  • EAL – for generous at-cost soil tests for all farmers included in Appeal
  • 15 Trees – for their donations of trees and ongoing support into the next year
  • Southern Cross Certified, for reduced certification for bushfire affected farmers
  • Elmore Compost – for donation of organic compost
  • Peats Soil –for donation of organic compost
  • Benalla Mushroom Compost – for donation of organic compost
  • Organic Market & CAFE in South Australia for their fundraising efforts
  • Dunn & Walton in Western Australia dedicating coffee sales to bushfire appeal
  • Gung-Hoe Growers for their champion fundraising efforts
  • Next Rural – for their support in transition and succession discussions
  • Sheia from Life Force Farm – for her business reset coaching
  • Organic Angels – for their ongoing donations
  • Eva Perroni – for her ongoing storytelling capacity for these farmers
  • Jade Miles – for hosting our zoom connect meets for our farmers
  • And …. our Bushfire Committee (Antony, Hugh, Christine & Carolyn) that have steered this ship through the seas!

ORICoop is pleased to continue working with many businesses across different steps of the bushfire appeal.  We are calling for sponsors interested to support these Organic Farm Blitz projects as per above.  Any donations can be tax deductible, thanks to the generous support from Australian Mutuals Foundation (select bushfire appeal)

Your business can get involved by:-

  • Sending a team to a farm for a team building weekend (teams of 3 – 20 welcome)
  • Donating/sponsoring the food required for each weekend (organic of course)
  • Sponsor an Organic Farm Blitz in your area (Sponsorship can be tax deductible)

Contact us to pledge your support.  Or drop us an email

You personally can show your own support by:

Any other suggestions contact us at – and show your support for these courageous farmers!

We honour and celebrate these farmers, for their courage, resilience and digging deep over the past year.  We encourage you to remember and reach out to them.  Buy some of their product or volunteer a weekend with your workplace to lend a hand.

ORICoop Bushfire Committee

ORICoop Online Workshop Series launches

ORICoop Online Workshop Series launches

“Never has it been more necessary to find solidarity with those whose values align and more important to garner skills from those who have beaten the path before us.  ORICoop with the support of BCCM have created an online workshop series to help us all build skills and community.  With a 90% subsidy being offered by BCCM, a broad range of topics, guest speakers and interactive Q and A time on each gathering, its a low cost, high value offer that can all be booked and undertaken online by clicking here – book into one or all five”
The Co-operative Farming program offers a 90% bursary for this course. You can find out more and apply at Subject to approval, you will receive a discount code that you should apply at the checkout, this will ensure your payment is reduced to 10%.

1. Community driven business structures  – Thursday 3rd Dec 6.30pm-7.45pm 2020 and Thursday 10th December 6.30pm – 7.45 2020

Eager to connect with your fellow growers and find ways to get your food to a local, engaged and appreciative audience. Hear from those who’ve trodden this path already, hear first hand about their wins, challenges, growing pains and opportunities. Most importantly ask the questions which allow you to consider what will work for you and meet other growers and producers on a similar trajectory.


2. Getting to Know Your Region and Community – 4th February 6pm – 7.45pm and 11th Feb, 6pm – 7.45pm

While every community beats to a different drum, many follow similar patterns and the insights of others who’ve observed and engaged in community building is a valuable process to support you in your existing efforts or as a foundation of knowledge before you begin.  Meet food system pioneers, leapfrog with their learnings and kickstart or reboot your own efforts to work collaboratively as a whole community.

Book Here

3.Taking Your Collective Business Online – 25th March and 1st April, 6pm – 7.45pm

While we know the increasing influence of online marketplaces, Covid showed us just how powerful it can be for farmers wanting to diversify their paths to market, work collaboratively and be the price maker for their hard grown produce. Learn practical skills, loopholes and opportunities from those who’ve done it and specialise in supporting you to do it too.

Book Here

4. Resilience in Your Business – 22nd April 2021, 6pm – 7.45pm

Business stability is about being diverse yet focussed, nimble yet strategic, committed yet open to change, having an excellent relationship with your market and always looking to the horizon of innovation and adaptation. Learn from farmers who’ve developed business plans in consideration of these complexities and seek advice and guidance relevant to your specific farming and business needs.

Book Here

5.Transitional Ownership Pathways to next generation, 13th May 2021, 6pm – 7.45pm

Succession planning is one of the single greatest threats to farming enterprises yet when undertaken successfully, one of the most powerful and rewarding aspects. The complexity of building a successful succession plan is a well trodden path and our expert panel will share a diverse range of case studies of well executed plans, and some of the common pitfalls.

Book Here

Any enquiries can be sent to

Bushfire Recovery in the midst for these farmers

Bushfire Recovery in the midst for these farmers

The Organic & Regenerative Investment Cooperative kicked off the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal with the fires in November 2020.  What started as a $12,000 load of hay to NSW bushfire affected farmers has grown into a significant appeal. Now capturing more than $324,000 (including financial, donations & in-kind support) in value, this has directly benefited each of the bushfire affected organic farmers in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia!  

Collectively between supportive organic farmers, best practice organic advisors, volunteer teams, our bushfire committee and donors, ORICoop has brought together a band of knowledge, experience and learnings. This network can only enhance the long term resilience and benefit of the organic industry.  We thank each of you – and we are not finished yet!

Breakdown of $324,000 raised (and mostly distributed) bushfire appeal funds so far includes:-

  • $89,000 cash raised
  • $28,907 donated organic inputs
  • $72,000 donated organic fodder
  • $14,611 freight subsidy (fodder)
  • $85,000 donated professional time
  • $35,000 donated volunteer coordination

Best Practice Organic Farm Expertise

For many of the bushfire affected farmers – the best ‘value’ of the Appeal, has been their appointed volunteer bushfire recovery consultant.  They have walked through the biology (courtesy of AgPath) and soil nutrient (EAL) tests with each farmer.  From this data they identified the effect of the bushfires and the needs of their farm recovery.  Together with ascertaining the physical damage and parameters using a Visual Soil Assessment and photos, these farmers are now on their road to recovery.  Though the journey ahead is likely to be long and hard, the farmers won’t be walking alone.

Donated organic inputs

We would like to pay tribute to the organic input providers that have generously supported this Appeal.  These are all organically certified products – and each has been tailored to the needs of these farms and their recovery.  

Where to from here?

The Bushfire Committee is currently finalising the last of the applications for the Appeal and putting in place plans for ongoing support of the fire affected farmers.  Now with the COVID-19 restrictions easing, the Committee is looking forward to finalising plans around bushfire recovery workshops and volunteer projects.  

Volunteering opportunities

ORICoop has a need for volunteers to assist with the following (depending on the COVID-19 restrictions of course)

  • Coordinated tree planting days
  • Native tree fundraisers in your region
  • Native animal box making
  • Weed blitz days
  • Bushfire recovery workshop coordination
  • Marketing assistance
  • Volunteer Coordination assistance

Register to be a volunteer HERE

Fundraising and community networking

Contact us if you are interested in hosting a community fundraiser – with funds to support bushfire affected organic farmers in your closest region.  ORICoop is keen to see these farmers be supported for the long term.  For some this is going to take months to years to recover.  Ongoing community support for these farmers to continue is very important.  Some of the farms have lost 30-40% of their orchards, with much of the bushland and wildlife destroyed.  Many have lost infrastructure not least fencing, thousands of metres of irrigation and annual fodder stores.

Farmers tell their stories

We look forward to sharing more about these farmers, and their courageous stories of resilience and recovery.  Christine Watts and Kym Green joined Carolyn, talking about the Bushfire Appeal as part of the Farming Secrets Summit HERE    Both of these farmers show much courage and grit from the devastation they felt.  And the heart behind their farming choices.

You can also catch up with more stories around the Bushfires, in our upcoming BioLogical Journal.  And you can follow our Instagram page HERE.

Stay Well – and now more than ever, support your local organic farmers!  

(photos supplied by Kym Green – credit to Nutri-Soil for their generous donations!)



Since early December, ORICoop has been championing the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal to directly assist organic and biodynamic farmers across Southern Australia to get through the bushfire crisis and back farming as quickly as possible. 

Our original target was to raise $14,000 for one (1) semi-load of organic hay to fire-affected dairy farmers in NSW. The response was amazing with enough donations of hay, transport and cash to fund six (6) truck-loads of certified organic feed for desperate farmers! Since then bushfires have continued to burn out farms across Southern Australia and we’ve renewed our target to $50,000, and we’re getting closer daily – with over $40,000 raised so far and we are far from finished!

100% of Appeal funds will directly assist farmers to Restore, Rejuvenate and Regenerate themselves and their farmland by:-

  • replacing essential farming equipment
  • buying certified organic fodder & grain
  • providing livestock transport to alternative organic farmland
  • funding new seasons plantings
  • replacing burnt fruit & nut trees
  • restoring vegetation
  • coordinating teams of volunteers to restore farms

In the coming weeks we’ll be ascertaining farmers needs across different regions and allocating Appeal funds to as many organic & biodynamic farms as we can – farmers can register for support here.


We are calling out for volunteers to support recovery efforts after the fire danger has passed. If you have the skills, time or are just keen to lend a hand then register HERE

Businesses can support the Appeal by:

  • Encouraging customers to make a donation at the register
  • Including this flyer in weekly food boxes, or on the shop counter
  • Sharing the Appeal in your next email newsletter
  • Offsetting your carbon footprint with tree purchase(s) to be planted on fire-affected farms – contact ORICoop for details
  • Spreading the word on social media and amongst your networks
  • Sharing this Starting Again resource with your bushfire affected farmers

Farmers can lend their support by:

About ORICoop

The Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal is coordinated by ORICoop (Organic & Regenerative Investment Co-operative) bringing together farmers, consumers, businesses and partners to support bushfire affected farmers in this time of need. Together we are focussed on increasing the amount, diversity and productivity of organically & regeneratively managed farmland around Australia, while building a resilient Australian food and farming system that can change the way our farmers do business … for the better!