Bushfire recovery that restores ecological hope

Bushfire recovery that restores ecological hope

Earlier this year as part of the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal, we put out a call for people to support our friends in East Gippsland and purchase trees for landholders in areas that had been devastated by the February fires. Many people heard the call, and together with 15Trees we were able to offer Chris and Christine Watts, of Blue Sky Organics, 100 trees (and guards) for a revegetation project that will help restore native bushland. Organic farmers were heavily impacted by the bushfires across many areas of south east Australia and the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal continues to support each farmer in ways that they need.

Blue Sky Organics is a family farming venture located in the East Gippsland located on the Murrindal River, VIC. Their family team consists of Madeline, Talsy, Jaklan, parents Chris and Christine Watts and grandparent Ian Watts. Last month, 100 native trees and shrubs were planted out along their creek beds, a true family affair!

A note from Christine ‘We had some significant pockets of gorgeous gullies and creeks etc before the fires. Alas not so gorgeous now! And so we have concentrated our revegetation efforts in these areas. The creek banks are a priority as the trees will stabilise the banks (roots hold the soil together), provide habitat to native wildlife and help keep the creek water clean (so important for down stream ecology).

The bush up the back has not come back at all yet. We are still hopeful. We will not re-plant there as it is rocky and mountainous. Nature is going to have to do her own thing there.

We are actually wildlife rescuers and we do have a particular love of wombats. The wildlife here suffered immensely with the bushfires.  Simply heart-breaking. I guess I would like people to understand that wildlife need us to care and regenerate their land. And with the help of Fifteen Trees and ORICoop we can make a start.’

Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way.  Christine Watts | Owner | Blue Sky Organics

ORICoop is pleased to be working with Fifteen Trees to continue to raise the funds needed to purchase 1500 trees (+ tree guards) for this district and other affected by bushfires over the last Black Summer. If you are interested to support you are invited to contribute to this ongoing support. Colleen from Fifteen Trees will keep a tally of all trees purchased and offer more trees to this area in 2021.

This past summer was one of the most challenging Australian seasons ever and giving support to East Gippsland will be an on-going commitment.

You can offer your support by:

And remember that many of these farmers are a long way from being ‘out of the woods’.  Many are still dealing with the heartbreak of last Summer.  Many are still managing their recovery and getting their business back on track.  ORICoop is excited to continue to walk with them, and to support each of them in their journey towards recovery.

Carolyn Suggate (ORICoop) & Colleen Filippa (Fifteen Trees)


Post Bushfire Recovery – It starts under our feet

Post Bushfire Recovery – It starts under our feet

The stories are shadowed right now by COVID – 19, but we know these bushfire affected farmers are rising from the ashes, and their resilience will be a shining light to all of us.  We are thinking of the regional communities affected by bushfires, and their impending risk and impact of the virus on their people and place. May strength and resilience be our friends through these uncertain times.

As these farmers take stock and move forward with their recovery journey – it has been incredible to see the photos of the greening orchards, the response to the rains, and natures’ assurance of ‘it’s going to be ok’.  And how the environment has a way of it’s own in recovery, some of which we don’t give her credit for. At least not to the extent we should!

The great outcome from the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal, has been connecting some of the leading biological and organic consultants together, to nut out the best process and plan for recovery for these organic farmers.  As these farmers recover, we look forward to sharing their stories, and the journey of their soil, farm and businesses being restored.

The first steps to recovery for any farm post bushfires, or other natural disasters is assessment.  Both physically, biologically, and above the ground.

All these farmers have been encouraged to follow this process, outlined by Gerhard HERE.  These steps can be followed by any farmers looking to become more aware of the biological strengths and weaknesses of their soils.  These key steps include:-

Once these tests are done – you can put all three together to obtain an accurate picture of the effects of the bushfire, both on the biological response, and the nutrient load or bank.  It has been really interesting seeing these results come through for each of the bushfire affected farmers. And the diversity of farm systems (all organic), together with the expertise of the farmers themselves (some with more than 30 years of experience in organic farm systems), with the biological consultants.  If you are interested to engage with any of these specialist consultants, you can contact us directly and we will put you in touch.  You can also join the Organic & Biodynamic Farmers Facebook group – to ask any questions of your fellow farmers.

I was privileged to join a call between Gerhard Grasser and Greg Paynter, both pioneers and long term supporters of the organic industry.  Highly experienced in soil agronomy, biological principles, organic standards and sustainable growing systems. Together they discussed the latest soil and biology tests for each of the farmers, the way that the Bushfire Appeal funds could be best utilised to get the most efficiency from the existing nutrients from the results, and to restore the biology to support the tree and soil systems over the long term.It is so clear that there is not one single answer.  That every farm is different. That every farmer has a different response.  The one aspect that is clear – is that together we are better. Together when farmers can share their stories of fire affected pastures and orchards, when leading consultants can liaise together to learn from each other’s strengths – that is when our industry has the opportunity to grow and prosper.  We look forward to fostering that. More and more.

ORICoop is proud to have stepped forward to assist these farmers in their hour of darkness.  And we will put together these stories as case studies for future farmers to use. And we hope that with each natural disaster, we can build case studies of resilience, or ways that farmers have used natural means to work with nature, and to see restoration as a journey, not a destination.

If you are a bushfire affected organic or biodynamic farmer – make sure you have applied to the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal.  Due to COVID-19, it has been agreed that the Appeal applications will close mid-April.  So the funds raised can offer direct assistance to those that need it.  And see their farms through recovery. As much as possible.

** We would like to take this moment to thank all our biological consultants for their efforts to date.  Offering pro-bono support to these bushfire affected farmers.  And to EAL and AgPath for offering their soil & biology tests at cost to these affected farmers (cost covered by bushfire appeal funds).

In conclusion.  It’s with a heavy heart that we announce the postponement of our ALL volunteering events for bushfire affected farmers until further notice.   We are saddened to have cancelled all the volunteer projects in the pipeline – due to COVID-19 risk.  

The overriding need for ORICoop is to display social responsibility and enact the Ethic of Care for People, both those volunteering and the affected farmers. The idea of spending time around other people practicing social distancing on farm volunteer weekends, cooking and eating dinners together and close proximity is too complex and risky for all.  And really… no contact affects much of the intention and purpose of our volunteer projects. We are really sorry. Both to the hundreds of keen volunteers, but mostly to the bushfire affected farmers, that were all looking forward to hosting these projects, and seeing works done in their road to recovery.

Thanks to the many good folk that helped promote these events and we’ll be back in touch with some alternative dates in the springtime.  Thanks especially to Penny & Amy, for all their work in pre-planning and promotion of these events.  

We are all in this together. Thank a farmer for your next meal!  Share this blog with your friends – we are stronger together.

Carolyn & ORICoop Team.



Since early December, ORICoop has been championing the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal to directly assist organic and biodynamic farmers across Southern Australia to get through the bushfire crisis and back farming as quickly as possible. 

Our original target was to raise $14,000 for one (1) semi-load of organic hay to fire-affected dairy farmers in NSW. The response was amazing with enough donations of hay, transport and cash to fund six (6) truck-loads of certified organic feed for desperate farmers! Since then bushfires have continued to burn out farms across Southern Australia and we’ve renewed our target to $50,000, and we’re getting closer daily – with over $40,000 raised so far and we are far from finished!

100% of Appeal funds will directly assist farmers to Restore, Rejuvenate and Regenerate themselves and their farmland by:-

  • replacing essential farming equipment
  • buying certified organic fodder & grain
  • providing livestock transport to alternative organic farmland
  • funding new seasons plantings
  • replacing burnt fruit & nut trees
  • restoring vegetation
  • coordinating teams of volunteers to restore farms

In the coming weeks we’ll be ascertaining farmers needs across different regions and allocating Appeal funds to as many organic & biodynamic farms as we can – farmers can register for support here.


We are calling out for volunteers to support recovery efforts after the fire danger has passed. If you have the skills, time or are just keen to lend a hand then register HERE

Businesses can support the Appeal by:

  • Encouraging customers to make a donation at the register
  • Including this flyer in weekly food boxes, or on the shop counter
  • Sharing the Appeal in your next email newsletter
  • Offsetting your carbon footprint with tree purchase(s) to be planted on fire-affected farms – contact ORICoop for details
  • Spreading the word on social media and amongst your networks
  • Sharing this Starting Again resource with your bushfire affected farmers

Farmers can lend their support by:

About ORICoop

The Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal is coordinated by ORICoop (Organic & Regenerative Investment Co-operative) bringing together farmers, consumers, businesses and partners to support bushfire affected farmers in this time of need. Together we are focussed on increasing the amount, diversity and productivity of organically & regeneratively managed farmland around Australia, while building a resilient Australian food and farming system that can change the way our farmers do business … for the better!