We are calling out to communities, businesses and farmers to continue to support bushfire affected organic farmers. ORICoop continues to walk with these farmers – and we need your help!
You can register to volunteer for the upcoming ‘Organic Farm Blitz’, with a farm close to you. You can also contact us to coordinate an event, make seedpods, plant &/or grow seedlings or build native animal boxes. And we will ensure they get to your nearest bushfire affected farmers!
You can join Chris & Christine from Blue Sky Organics, to assist them to plant trees, weed, and lend a hand in East Gippsland, not far from Bruthen over the coming months. And to assist with the planting of their 2021 crop in the Autumn (April & May).
You can complete an Expression of interest HERE to register your interest directly with Blue Sky Organics in East Gippsland, and make sure you include when you are available over the coming months. Chris & Christine will be in touch with those that register directly.
During time in East Gippsland last February a few keen volunteers rallied to assist Soorya from Ontos Organics sort and process his garlic crop after he and his family were burnt out in January last year. Soorya runs a mixed organic farm, incorporating garlic, heritage seed and goats on their family farm.
You can assist Ontos Organics farm, and learn about heritage seed and garlic harvesting by REGISTERING HERE. Work required includes weeding, sorting, processing and their ongoing recovery work. It may be that you can help both Blue Sky and Ontos Organics over a weekend or visit to the wonderful Gipplsand Lakes region.
Kaye & Gregg Saarinen of Saarinen Organics, from the Bega Valley were tragically burnt out over Black Summer. They grow organic herbs, and make lovely organic face and hand creams and salves from these products. They also utilise full solar in their processing, a unique and truly carbon neutral business model!
They have much to rebuild – and are calling out for teams of 5-10 people to assist them to restore their fencing and rebuild their garden area over the coming months.
If you are interested, you can complete an Expression of Interest HERE with Saarinen Organics farm located in the Bega Valley, and include when you are available.
Plateau Organics (near Wingham) are situated on the Mid North Coast in NSW, a stunning certified organic farm high on the plateau. One of the leading certified organic avocado and citrus producers in the region. We are keen to rally a small team of helpers to assist them in their rebuild, as they were devastated by fires on two seperate fire events last year. The work includes clearing around the trees, mulching and fertilising. This farm is remote, beautiful – and worth the time to experience such a plateau! Self contained accommodation is required for any interested volunteers and 4wd for access only. (or you can contact owners for further opportunities)
You can complete an Expression of Interest HERE directly with Plateau Organics (located in NSW)
Ideally they are looking for 1 or 2 keen singles or couples for 3-4 days between February & April, for mulching of trees, pruning and bushfire recovery of the fruit orchard.
Christina and John from PRANA produce need help to clean up wood after the fires, weeding and clearing areas that were bushfire affected. Ideally people that have their own tools (gloves, secateurs, even a wheelbarrow) and are keen to offer their hands and hard work for a day or two!
A Saturday or Sunday in March would be fantastic. Happy with a few keen people or even a group of 20 could be of use. Lunch included.
You can complete an Expression of Interest HERE for Prana Produce (near Braidwood)
If there is not a farm in your area included – but you are keen to be involved, you can register your interest via our Volunteer Register HERE. There will be more Organic Farm Blitz opportunities over the coming months and will notify all those registered first. We are also considering having some city based events – where you can plant seeds, make seed bombs or native animal boxes. Contact us if you are interested to be a host or fundraising champion!
Over the past year the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal has continued to support these farmers along their recovery journey. With donated inputs, professional organic farm advisory, soil tests, donations of trees, coordinating online zoom calls between affected farmers, and enabling the farmers to share their stories, we are incredibly grateful for the time we have spent with each of the farmers. And to all the businesses that have offered financial, personal and physical support.
We want to give a huge shout out to the following supporters of the Organic Farmers Bushfires Appeal, that have donated towards the ongoing recovery of many of these farmers.
- Dr Bronner – including their most recent appeal over January/February 2021
- CERES – dedicating $5/box last Summer and providing facilities to process the garlic
- BCCM – Bushfire Appeal grant funds to further extend the appeal
- AgriSolutions – for Gerhards ongoing farm support and advisory
- Organic Advisory Services – for Greg’s ongoing farm support and advisory
- Nutri-Soil – for generous organic input donations
- Vitec – for generous organic input donations
- Omnia – for generous organic input donations
- Australian Kelp – for generous organic input donations
- Converte Plant Food – for generous organic input donations
- Bio-Tech Organics – for on-farm support and advisory
- EAL – for generous at-cost soil tests for all farmers included in Appeal
- 15 Trees – for their donations of trees and ongoing support into the next year
- Southern Cross Certified, for reduced certification for bushfire affected farmers
- Elmore Compost – for donation of organic compost
- Peats Soil –for donation of organic compost
- Benalla Mushroom Compost – for donation of organic compost
- Organic Market & CAFE in South Australia for their fundraising efforts
- Dunn & Walton in Western Australia dedicating coffee sales to bushfire appeal
- Gung-Hoe Growers for their champion fundraising efforts
- Next Rural – for their support in transition and succession discussions
- Sheia from Life Force Farm – for her business reset coaching
- Organic Angels – for their ongoing donations
- Eva Perroni – for her ongoing storytelling capacity for these farmers
- Jade Miles – for hosting our zoom connect meets for our farmers
- And …. our Bushfire Committee (Antony, Hugh, Christine & Carolyn) that have steered this ship through the seas!
ORICoop is pleased to continue working with many businesses across different steps of the bushfire appeal. We are calling for sponsors interested to support these Organic Farm Blitz projects as per above. Any donations can be tax deductible, thanks to the generous support from Australian Mutuals Foundation (select bushfire appeal)
Your business can get involved by:-
- Sending a team to a farm for a team building weekend (teams of 3 – 20 welcome)
- Donating/sponsoring the food required for each weekend (organic of course)
- Sponsor an Organic Farm Blitz in your area (Sponsorship can be tax deductible)
Contact us to pledge your support. Or drop us an email admin@organicinvestmentcooperative.com.au
You personally can show your own support by:
- Registering for our volunteer crew for our next Farm Blitz in your area
- Gather some friends to arrange your own fundraiser and donating to this cause
- Sharing details of the Organic Farmers Bushfire Appeal
- Sponsoring one of the Organic Farm Blitz events
- Purchasing trees to be planted over the next 12 months
- Suggesting to family and friends to pledge support instead of gifts
- Suggesting to local businesses to make on ongoing pledge
- Offsetting your carbon footprint directly with these farms via the Eco-Credit
Any other suggestions contact us at admin@organicinvestmentcooperative.com.au – and show your support for these courageous farmers!
We honour and celebrate these farmers, for their courage, resilience and digging deep over the past year. We encourage you to remember and reach out to them. Buy some of their product or volunteer a weekend with your workplace to lend a hand.
ORICoop Bushfire Committee