Impact investing in sustainable food and agriculture across asset classes

Impact investing in sustainable food and agriculture across asset classes

Financing Resilient Value Chains through Total Portfolio Activation

At a time when farmers, entrepreneurs, and companies are increasingly rising to the growing demand for more transparent,
organic, and locally sourced food, investors have a critical role to play in financing stronger links across local, regional, and
global agriculture value chains.

Read on … download this document from croatan instutitute 

Positive money and Global 4C: How are they different?

Positive money and Global 4C: How are they different?

Positive money is a not-for-profit based in London that seeks to change the uk banking and monetary system to be (in their words) democratic and sustainable. There are some major differences between positive money and global 4c, and in this blogpost the major differences between the two initiatives are explained…… Read more HERE

Alliance discusses co-ops and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region

Alliance discusses co-ops and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region

Much of our day-to-day behaviour and cultural activity is structurally determined by our monetary and economic systems. Their redesign is a crucial enabler of the transition towards a regenerative culture. To transform our economic system(s) at every scale is an audacious salutogenic [health generating] design intervention, yet it is the only way we can effect changes deeply enough to avoid the collapse of civilization and further damage to ecosystems and the biosphere. Read the full article HERE