Farmer Incubator

Farmer Incubator is a not-for-profit organisation established in 2013 and currently based in and around Melbourne, Victoria. Our aim is to help grow future farmers from an enterprising collective of young people who are concerned about food quality, sovereignty and security, and who are yearning to work the land. We also aim to provide a more approachable entry into the world of agriculture by tackling the high-cost and high-risk nature of farming through the establishment of a collaborative farming model; a framework already developed extensively in the US and other countries around the world.

Click HERE for their events.

Centre for Organic Research and Education

Centre for Organic Research & Education (CORE) promotes and advocates for the use of organic based methods of farming and gardening, such as using compost, and likes to share new innovative sustainable practices with our network community.
Our CORE organisation fosters the recycling of organic waste materials, helps reduce atmospheric emissions through organic waste recycling and increases soil carbon through direct sequestration of recycled organic carbon based products such as composts and mulches.
Visit the CORE Programs & Events portfolio.


PERSPECTIVES OF SUSTAINABILITY, A community event. Friday March 2nd 2018

Highlighting organic farming practices, social action and strategies for future sustainability.
Opportunities for education, networking, information exchange

Keynote speaker: Andre Leu
Director Regeneration International.
Author: The Myth of Safe Pesticides. Former President IFOAM 2011-2017. Andre is also an experienced organic farmer, being one of the pioneers in the north Australian tropical fruit industry.


9.15 Registration

9.30 Organic Industry stories

10.30 tea break

11 -12.30 Keynote Andre Leu – Regenerative Agriculture

12.30-1 Q&A panel

1pm lunch

This is an independent not-for-profit event which is being auspiced by the Organic Association WA.
We aim to fund the event and cover costs through participation fees and voluntary support.
We are asking for expressions of interest by registration and payment for the event.
Registration per person $65 per person.
We are also offering a limited amount of promotional displays for business engaged in the sector.
$95 for a small, simple display space in the foyer of the event including attendance for 1 person.

To register

1. Pay the relevant fee by direct debit to

Organic Association WA Bankwest BSB 306-044 Account No. 418086-4.

We suggest you type “Perspectives” in the description box to link your payment to the event.

2. Send proof of payment with registration details to Alison Richards who is maintaining our attendance register Please identify your email by header “Perspectives:

3. Registration details should include your name and all the names of the other people included in the attendance payment, a contact phone number, and any special dietary requirements.

The venue is the Morris Buzacott Clubrooms in Kardinya. If you are interested in attending please book and pay ahead of the date as we will not have the facilities to take payment on the day.

We will send out emails to all people who register with more detail, as the event progresses.

We appreciate any further distribution of this email among your own networks.


Or ALISON RICHARDS as per email above.