Invest into strategic organic & regenerative business assets …

ORICoop is accepting Investor Share applications from ORICoop members interested in fair returns from organic & regenerative business investment assets.  As an ORICoop member you have the opportunity to join us on this journey.

We bring together aligned capital into organic farm and food business assets. Empowering organic and regenerative agricultural businesses to regenerate our planet while producing healthy, nutrient dense food while regenerating the land, soil and water in the process.

Investment opportunities build more resilient local communities, supports organic and regenerative farming principles, and enables investors to contribute to the long term vision of Australian owned and managed businesses that doesn’t cost the earth!  With sustainable returns that balance regenerative and efficient supply chains, healthy food and shared risk-reward returns for parties.

We invite you to join us on our ambitious journey of connecting capital, protecting our planet while sustaining our next generation for farmers and healthier food.

If you are a retail investor – you can apply for Investor Shares below (open to ORICoop members only)

If you are a wholesale investor interested to invest you can register your interest HERE

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    I/We would like to apply to purchase

    ORICoop Investor Shares

    Subject shares at $500 per share (the transfer price) as set out in the ORICoop Share Offer documentation. Minimum purchase is 2 * Investor Shares or $1,000 (subject to availability and approval)